Monday, July 12, 2010

The Mind of David Paul Lewis: Thoughts Between Thoughts

Pre-Reading: Let's build our background knowledge! In order to understand the content of this post, it might be useful to check up on the following facts concerning David Paul and his quirky but lovable life:
  • Many people believe that David Paul Lewis has unnatural and sometimes non-cohesive thoughts patterns. That will be left to your judgment, but this article will attempt to parse these thoughts that cross Davey's mind--and the scientifically contentious "micro-thoughts" that weave between them, engendering new thoughts at surprising moments.
  • Davey is smart. He is funny. You should love him very much.
  • Sometimes, however, Davey's quirky sense of intellectual and playful exploration has led him to discover "really really nerdy" websites. This should not prevent you from loving him very much.
  • One such "really really nerdy" website is This website sucks and is made by some pretentious guy who plays Zelda games so much that all he does is try to beat them faster than he did the previous day. That, and make fun of people on the internet for misspelling or misunderstanding Zelda-related trivia. The premise: people who make Zelda spelling mistakes get the words "GANNON-BANNED" shouted in all caps on web pages for losers. Not me. Real no-lifes. Anyway, I didn't even try to turn that URL into a link because the website is so dismissible.
  • Davey loves spoonerisms. See the examples!
Purpose for Reading: As you read, note how David Paul Lewis, by nearly entirely subconscious processes, turns a brief and idle musing on a student's last name to an explanation for an entirely fictitious (but very convincing) genetic disorder.

Main Text: "Idle Musings"
by David Paul Lewis

David Paul Lewis:
What is he thinking?

So, she arrived several days late, but I had to let it fly. A late registrant for summer school. Her first three days were to be excused without question. I asked her name, and she told me: R****** Blannon.

Blannon I mused. What a (mildly) remarkably silly last name. My thoughts drifted along a linguistic tangent. Ready the blannons! On my mark...Fire!!! Then: I think that would make an excellent yogurt...Blannon. With a line for kids--Blanimals! Finally: Blannon! Like Ganon, Link's eternal foe in Zelda games...

See, at this point, that dumb website comes in. More thoughts, this time not in italics, because I've chosen to number them, instead:
1) Blannon--but spelling it that way would get me BLANNON-BANNED!
2) I hate that effing website and the self-righteous supernerds that adhere to it's supposed importance.
3) Whatever...Blannon!
4) Tehe.
5) Hmm...Blannon...Bland? No.
6) Blannon...Gand? Almost a spoonerism, but there's that "L"...
7) Rule of [something I learned in math class long ago]: If I add "L" to one side of the equation, I must add it to the other...
8) Modified Spoonerism...equals...

Little did I know that I had discovered a completely made up organ in the brain, one that is inert in most humans, but which creates terrifying results in others. See, I came to know R******, or "Ra-Ra," for short. She's the type of person I would have hitherto described as "lacking a filter between brain and mouth." Something like...
  • Mr. Lewis: Let's all fill in the first two columns in our table groups...
  • Ra-Ra Blannon: What the f*** are we 'posed to be doing?
  • Mr. Lewis: We're all going to fill in...
  • R-R B: It's hot as a wh*** in here!
But...GASP! No, Lewis...not a lack of a filter...but...the presence of something else?!?!? At this point, my entirely scientific mind knew the immediate truth. Such behavior (elsewise exhibited by S**** W*********, L*** I*****, and sometimes even K****** L****) is the result of an over active Blannon Gland! This little-understood member of the brain Blanninin...and, when this is unchecked, one looses the ability to think before speaking. In the words of Socrates, "It must be true--necessarily so!" (my emphasis).

So...that's a little guided tour of how my mind works. Keep in mind that this thought process happened in nigh-unintelligible spurts of brain activity in the nano-seconds in between the real and important thoughts that I think on a regular basis. I wasn't even aware of the fullness of these profound meditations until I began writing this post. Although I've identified the Blannon Gland and it's functions, I have yet to determine which part of my brain it is that allows me to be so...inspiring. This is DPL, signing off...

If you haven't talked to Davey in a while, write him a 250-word essay explaining why you love him so.